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  AV Spaniel Puppy/Novice and Open 

 Saturday 5th April 2025

Dorset Working Spaniel Club ID 350

Venue:                         The Bradley Park Estate, Wiltshire By kind Invitation of Lord and Lady Seymour.

Date:                            Saturday 5th April 2025

Judges:       Martin Ashman (A2193), Alice Wise (A3368), Keelan Dudbridge (NP) and Tom Ballinger (NP).
Timings:                      9am for 9.30am start Puppy/Novice. 1Pm for 1.30pm start Open.
Stake :Novice Spaniels not to have been placed 1st in a Novice Working Test, or to have won an award in a Field Trial inc. C.O.M. Puppy Under 18 months on the date of the test. 
Awards:                 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and COMs

*A maximum of 18 entries per stake, should we be over subscribed a draw will take place and priority given to members. £11 per dog (members) £16 per dog (non members). 

Closing Date: Saturday 29th March

Directions will be emailed out with the running order.

Look Forward to seeing you on the day!    

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(All stakes to be held under Kennel Club Rules & Regulations ‘J’)

Competitors how to enter 

  • Separate form and cheque for each Dog entered per trial please payable to: Dorset Working Spaniel Club Text Martin Ashman 07774208270
  • Entry Fees for Members £40 Novice and Open Trials – Non-Members £60 for all Trials
  • Entries into the Draw will not be accepted without payment
  • Details of the Trial meeting place and time will be sent out with the Draw
  • Draws will be emailed or sent in the post if an SAE is provided

Stake 1 – 16 Dog Novice Cocker    Friday 4th October 2024

Venue:  Blannicombe Estate near Honiton

Judges: Margaret Cox A3130 and Dave Hodgson NP3815

Closing date for entries: 18TH SEPTEMBER 2024

Prize: Novice Cocker Shield and Guns Choice ‘Wood Boy’s Salver’

Stake 2 – 16 Dog Novice ESS    Thursday 10th October 2024                                

Venue:  Blannicombe Estate near Honiton

Judges:   Wesley Thomas A2889 and Keelan Dudbridge NP    

Closing Date for Entries: 23RD SEPTEMBER 2024

Prize: The Sunstar Perpetual Trophy and Guns Choice ‘Nunney Salver’

Stake 3 – 16 Dog Open Cocker Spaniel     Saturday 19th October 2024

 Venue:     Woodbury Estate near Exeter

Judges:     Martin Ashman A2193 and Alice Wise B3368                    

Closing Date for Entries: 3RD OCTOBER 2024

Prize:  Bronze Cocker Spaniel Trophy

Stake 4 – 16 Dog Open AV (except Cocker) Spaniel   Monday 30th December 2024

Venue: Woodbury Estate near Exeter

Judges: Nick Gregory A3007 and Bob Lowe B3817

Closing Date for Entries: 12TH DECEMBER 2024

Prize: Bronze Spaniel Trophy     

Conditions of Entry

1. We do not accept e-mail entries, late entries received after the closing date or telephone entries.  Visit  to download an entry form. 

2. To receive notification of the result of the draw and directions a self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with application (please write clearly). If you would rather have these details emailed to you please ensure there is a legible email address on your entry form

3. DWSC members have priority in the draw.  

4. Please ensure that all trial entries are clearly marked with the stake number and the competitor’s name entering.  All entries must be complete and correct. 

5. Regulation J6F applies to withdrawal

6. All trial draws will take place at the home of the FT Secretary at 7.30 pm on the closing date

7. Please send separate cheques for all entries. 

8. Please ensure that the correct entry form is used and that it is completed legibly and correctly. 

Rules and Regulations

1. Dogs entered at Kennel Club Licensed Field Trials must be registered at the Kennel Club in accordance with Kennel Club Regulations for Classification and Registration B. 

2. The DWSC may reserve to itself the right to refuse any entry. 

3. Should a dog be drawn to run in a Stake and then withdraw for any reason the Owner may run a substitute dog in its place provided the substitute dog has gained the required qualification for preference in the draw at the date of the draw; details of substitute dog(s) MUST have been included on the entry form for that stake and MUST be clearly marked as Substitute. 

Substitutions will only be allowed up until 5 days before the trial date.

4. All dogs resident outside the UK must be issued with a Kennel Club Authority to Compete number before entry to the event can be made.  All overseas entries without an Authority to Compete number will be returned to the competitor. 

5. If entries or nominations exceed the number of permitted runners, the right to compete in a Trial shall be decided by ballot. 

6. Should circumstances so dictate the Society, in consultation with the judges, may alter arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club. 

7. No modification may be made to the schedule after publication except by permission of the Kennel Club, followed by advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before the closing of entries. 

8. Judges at a Trial are prohibited from entering a dog which is recorded in their ownership or part ownership. 


  Your dog is vulnerable and AT RISK if left in a vehicle in high temperatures and even on days considered as slightly warm. Please take care of your dog.  If your dog is found to be at risk forcible entry to your vehicle may be necessary without liability for any damage caused. 


  Any competitor whose dog is entered at a Kennel Club licensed event should take all reasonable steps to ensure the needs of their dog(s) are met, and should not knowingly put their dogs’ health and welfare at risk by any action, default, omission or otherwise. A breach of this Regulation may be referred to the Board for disciplinary action under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. The use of pinch collars, electronic shock collars, or prong collars, is not permitted at any field trial licenced by the Kennel Club. This shall apply at the venue or within the precincts of the trial.

11. Videography and photography will only be permitted with the express permission of the Chief Steward and the host. 

Definition of Stakes

OPEN – A stake in which dogs have the opportunity of gaining a qualification towards the title of Field Trial Champion (K Regulations refer) and towards entry in the Championship or Champion Stake for its breed; in which entry is open to all dogs of a specified breed or breeds except that such stakes may not be confined to Any Variety Spaniel (except Spaniel (English Springer) and Spaniel (Cocker). It may be limited to a prescribed number of runners (J4 refers), in which case these shall be decided by a draw conducted in accordance with Regulation J7 i so that preference is given to previous performance

NOVICE – A Stake which is confined to dogs which have not gained a place, or places which would qualify them for first preference in the draw for Open Stakes

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Autumn Test – Sunday 1st September 2024

By Kind Permission of The Macdonald-Smith Family


Puppy – Judges: Geoff Shore N/P  & Michael Lydford N/P

1st       & Best Hunting SpanielElla WilksBeesfit Grouse
2ndLouisa SpearingCaileanosla Happy Daze
3rdViveanne WellsIscahay Moriah
4thDamien FitchettBeesfit Toodle Pip
COMStephen ViveashCorbinsbere Maison Sassy
COMIan AdamsonCorbinsbere Beatnik Billy
COMPaul MattHobleyfurze Nutmeg
COMJohn BartlettCrispico Nightingale

Novice – Judges: Ray Titchener B3672 & Julie Etherington N/P

1st & Best Hunting SpanielSteven BlakeHaredown Teddy of Bryarpoynt
2ndGraham BallQueen of Rio
3rdSimon FryKentwone Orange Fire

Katy BowerTomoijito Tilly
COMSteve LangdownTuffyke Taz
COMLynda LevettPitrock Lancelot
COMPaul NimmsGlynvale Teddy

Thank you to Judges Ray Tichener, Julie Etherington, Geoff Shore and Michael Lydford, the Committee and helpers who all ensured the day ran successfully, what a Team!

Thank you to Lindsey for all your support and for taking photos on the day.

A huge thank you to the Macdonald-Smith Family for allowing us to hold the test day on their beautiful Estate, perfect spaniel ground with woodland cover and bracken.

A big thank you to our sponsors, Skinners Dog Food and Gamekeepers Goods, who support our events and who donate so generously, we are so grateful, thank you.  

Many very happy award winners!

A great day and thank you to all of you for entering, such a wonderful day with a lovely atmosphere. AND still lots of smiles through the thunderstorms!!

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AV Spaniel Working Test Sunday 1st September 2024

Dorset Working Spaniel Club ID 350

(To be held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations “J”)

By Kind Invitation of The Macdonald -Smith Family

Venue:                         Bloxworth Estate, Wareham, Dorset

Date:                            Sunday 1st September 2024

Judges:                        TBC

Timings:                      Puppy/Novice 9am for 9.30am start. Open 1pm for 1.30pm

Stake:                          Puppy, Novice and Open. Puppy under 18months old on the date of test,

                                     Novice spaniels not to have been placed 1st in a Novice Test, or to have won an award in a Field Trial including com.

Awards:                 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and COMs.

Fees:                    £11 per dog (members) £16 per dog (non members) a maximum of 18 dogs per stake. If over subscribed a draw will take place with priority given to fully paid up members. Closing Date 18th August 2024

Entries:          Entry Forms can be downloaded from our website, sent via post or emailed to the Test secretary or sent Electronically with B.A.C.S payment.

The Bloxworth Estate boasts beautiful countryside, vast woodlands and scenic ponds ideal ground for spaniels! We are extremely grateful to the Macdonald-Smith family for granting DWSC permission to run Septembers Working Test on their Estate.

Directions will be sent out with the runnng order.  Any questions please email Test Secretary Tracy Corbin : . All details can be found on DWSCs website

All tests are held under Kennel Club and Dorset Working Spaniel Club rules and regulations for Gundog Working Tests. The Society and Bloxworth Estate accepts no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to persons or property however occasioned. Dogs must be exercised in designated areas only. No bitches in season. In case of hot weather no dogs are to be left unattended in cars. Please clear up after your dogs and take home. N.B The D.W.S.Cs Insurance does not cover non-members at events, therefore, non-members must have their own adequate insurance.

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Results of Water Test 23rd June 2024

1stNina PennellCorbinsbere Fianchetto CB
2nd Suzanne MilletMoon Maeve ESS B
3rdGraham BallQueen of Rio ESS B
4thKathy ClearyNewpixs Magic ESS B
COMHelen SmithBramble of Byrmbleton ESS D
COMStacy EllardEevaspleodar Peggy CB
COMDel BowerThistlecrack Diamond of Briarsgem CB

Water Assessment Non K.C. Event

Sunday 23rd June 2024 Held at Hursley Park Nr Romsey

Judges: Ray Titchener, Julie Etherington & Michael Lydford

1stNina PennellCorbinsbere Fianchetto CB
2nd Suzanne MilletMoon Maeve ESS B
3rdGraham BallQueen of Rio ESS B
4thKathy ClearyNewpixs Magic ESS B
COMHelen SmithBramble of Byrmbleton ESS D
COMStacy EllardEevaspleodar Peggy CB
COMDel BowerThistlecrack Diamond of Briarsgem CB
Timed Water ChallengeLynda LevettPitrock Lancelot

A great fun filled sunny Sunday, with Spaniels & handlers getting a bit damp!  In the morning the Spaniels & handlers practiced on the ponds with Judges on hand for training tips and advice.  Followed by a delicious picnic for all supplied by Joan Titchener. In the afternoon handlers & spaniels completed 6 Water Test, one of which was a Timed Water Challenge.  A big thank you to the Judges and Helpers.  Also, thanks given to Skinners Dog Food & Gamekeepers Goods for their generous sponsorship, with lots of useful gundog training aids and shields handed out to the Winners.

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AV Spaniel FUN Water Training and Test Day

 Sunday 23rd June 2024

Dorset Working Spaniel Club ID 350

Non KC Event 

Venue:                         By Kind Permission of Hursley Park Estate, Hursley, Winchester

Date:                            Sunday 23rd June 2024

Trainers/Judges:       Ray Titchener, Julie Etherington and Tracy Corbin

Timings:                      9am for 9.30am start

DWSC’s Summer Fun Water Training and Test Day, held on Hursley Estate. This is a Non KC event aiming towards the Novice dog, members and non members welcome. Warm up tasks in the morning with the trainers, ensuring all dogs are achieving in the water –  followed by The Water Test in the afternoon. Refreshments and Lunch provided by the club.

Awards:                 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and COMs

All spaniel breeds welcome, whether KC or Non KC! A maximum of 25 entries, should we be over subscribed a draw will take place and priority given to members. Entry forms can be downloaded from our website and emailed to the Test Secretary. Please pay on the day, £20 per entry. Directions will be sent out with confirmation of booking. Closing date 15th June.

Any Questions please  All details are on: 

All Events are held under Dorset Working Spaniel Club Rules & Regulations. The Society accepts no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to persons or property however occasioned.  Dogs should be exercised in designated areas only.  No bitches in season.  In case of hot weather, no dogs left unattended in cars. Please clear up after your dogs.  N.B. The D.W.S.C.`S Insurance does not cover non- members at Events, therefore, non-members must have their own adequate insurance.                                                   

Look Forward to seeing you on the day!

Many Thanks

Tracy Corbin 

DWSC Working Test Secretary

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AV Spaniel Spring Test – 20th April 2024 –Maiden Bradley

By kind permission of Lord & Lady Seymour

Puppy – Judges: Paul Burr N/P & Paddy Williams AP3707

1stRod ThompsonMallora Belle
2nd & Guns ChoicePaul NimmsGlynvale Teddy
3rdMorwenna |McNallyRedwates Tara Tornado
4thIan AdamsonCorbinsbere Beatnik Billy
COMLindsey CorbinCorbinsbere Scrumpy Jack
COMLouisa SpearingCaileanosla Happy Daze
COMSteve ViveashCorbinsbere Maison Sassy

Novice – Judges:) Andy Faulkner AP3747 & Russ Woodyard N/P

1st & Guns ChoiceDamien FitchettPenwills Estrella
2ndHolly VeryardSummerbash Dopey Dora
3rdJulie EtheringtonWiltonsprings Pemarick
4thClaire BithreyCorbinsbere Brigadier for Soulsmoor
COMKaty BowerTomojito Tilly
COMKim BarnesMooncourt Blackjack
COMBecky HawkinsMaesydderwen Bourbon
Best CockerKim BarnesMooncourt Blackjack

Open – Judges: Paul Burr N/P & Andy Faulkner A3747

1stHoward FelthamPenwills Fawn
2ndMorwenna McNally Wiscombe Muscat
3rdLynn RedmanSherbet Dip of Craigscourt
4thKim BarnesRookmarsh Cardhu of Mooncourt
COMDel BowerThistlecrack Diamond of Briarsgem
COMChris RobertsBelleverwood Sunshine
COM & Guns ChoiceJulie EtheringtonCentrewalk Salsa

Congratulations to all those in the awards.  A successful day on new ground with a mixture of woodland cover to put the spaniels (and handlers) through their paces. A full card across Puppy, Novice & Open meant for a long day for our Judges, Paddy Williams, Andy Faulkner, Mark Burr & Russ Woodward.  We are hugely grateful and on behalf of the club and competitors, thank you for giving up your day to judge for us.

A big thank you to our sponsors Skinners & Gamekeepers Goods, for all your support and generosity.  The prizes truly are quite amazing!

A massive thank you must go to all our helpers on the day, you did a fantastic job and without your support these days are unable to happen.

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SPRING TEST Saturday 20th April

Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire

By Kind Invitation of Lord and Lady Seymour 

AV Spaniel Puppy/Novice & Open

To be Held under Kennel Club Rules I.D. No: 350

Judges: Paddy Williams (A) Andrew Faulkner (A) Mark Burr (NP)

Puppy/Novice Meet at 9am for a prompt 9.30am start. Open meet 12.30pm for 13.00 start

Puppy: Under 18 months on the date of the test.

Novice: Spaniels not to have been placed 1st in a Working Test, or to have won an award in a Field Trial inc. C.O.M.

Fees:  £11 per dog (members) £16 per dog (non-members) If oversubscribed a draw will take place with priority given to fully paid up members. Closing date Saturday 6th April

A maximum of 18 dogs per Stake – if Classes are oversubscribed a draw will take place & preference will be given to members. Entry forms can be downloaded from our website & emailed to the Test Secretary or sent Electronically with B.A.C.S payment.

Directions will be sent out with the running order. Test Secretary: Tracy Corbin.  Any Questions email: All details on:

Memberships subs were due on 1st March 2024. £10 Single £15 Joint plus £5 rejoining fee.

All tests are held under Kennel Club & Dorset Working Spaniel Club rules & Regulations for Gundog Working Tests.  The Society accepts no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to persons or property however occasioned.  Dogs should be exercised in designated areas only.  No bitches in season.  In case of hot weather, no dogs left unattended in cars. Please clear up after your dogs.  N.B. The D.W.S.C.`S Insurance does not cover non- members at Events, therefore, non-members must have their own adequate insurance.

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Stake 3 – 16 Dog Open Cocker -Mon 4th December 2023

By kind permission of Lord Henry Digby & Keeper Paul Marsh

Judges: Ray Titchener & Jud Lascelles

Field Trial Secretary: Martin Ashman

1st & Guns ChoicePaddy WilliamsC BTaffswell Ruby
2ndJeremy DaviesC BMisselchalke Green Mamba of Dolbrenin
3rdJohn HeeleyC BEndowood Indiana

Well done to all competitors, this was challenging Trial for the little Cockers.  Heavy rain from the previous night and during the day made the birds reluctant to flush.  The pheasants were tucking in tight, with the heavy rain making it difficult for the dogs to pick up the scent.  Only 3 cockers finished with a run off between Paddy Williams and Jeremy Davies for 1st place.  Well done Paddy and Ruby.  Thank you to the Judges, Guns, and Helpers. Also, to Keeper Paul Marsh for welcoming the Club to the ground once again.  Much is given appreciation to Skinners Dog Foods and Gamekeepers Goods for their continued Sponsorship.   

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Stake 2 – 16 Dog Open  A.V.(Ex Cocker)  Mon 27th November 2023

Minterne Estate – Dorset

By kind permission of Lord Henry Digby

Keeper & Steward of the Beat: Paul Marsh

Judges: Margaret Cox (A3130) & Alice Wise (B3368)

1stJeremy DaviesESS BCudannsa Skye of Dolbrenin
2ndSimon JonesESS DBucklawren Bonus
3rd & Guns ChoiceNicki HunterESS DChurail Challenge of Pursely
4th Mike |HoskinsESS BHollydrive Nina of Halwinryston
COMSJohn CookESS BEastbourne Lass

John CookESS DSyncerus Savon of Flintwood

Jonathan NightingaleESS DLeahanie Zeus

Dave HodgsonESS DSaxonvale Sam

Thank you to the Judges and all the helper`s, also to the Guns, who shot very well for the Spaniels. An exciting 3 dog run off between Simon Jones, Jeremy Davies, and Nicki Hunter, all the dogs hunted well, a difficult decision for the Judges. There were lots of pheasants to test the Spaniels steadiness on making a challenging Field Trial. Well done to all the competitors the ground was quite wet and boggy in place, so everyone did well to manage to stay upright! Much appreciation to Skinners Dog Food and Gamekeepers Goods for their generous sponsorship. Congratulation to Jeremy Davies who will be judging at the 2024 Cocker Championships.