To apply to join the club a Joining Fee of £5.00 plus £15.00 Joint Membership.
Please note that if you own your dog/s jointly then you need to be joint members.
The application will then be presented to the committee at the earliest opportunity and in the unlikely event that your application is unsuccessful your fee will be refunded.
Applications must be supported by a proposer and seconder who are fully paid up members of the club.
Membership renewals are due 1st March each year or the joining fee will have to be paid again. Please complete in Block Capitals
Name / Names ………………………………………………………………………………. Address……………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Post Code ……………………. Telephone No: ……………………………….
Email ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Applicants Signature……………………………… Date……………………………
Proposer………………………………… Telephone No ……………………………….. (please print name)
Signature (or attach an email) ……………………………..
Seconder……………………………….. Telephone No ………………………………. (please print name)
Signature (or attach an email) …………………………….
Please return the form to the Membership Secretary. New members who are passed by the committee can apply to enter Tests immediately after being notified of their acceptance. Any candidate who is not accepted and paid by 1st July shall not receive members preference in the Field Trials.
Mrs R L Bramwell
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